Not The Fighting Kind
There Is No Place For A Dandy On A Pirate Ship
Nat should be doing what dandies do best: creating fashion, trading information, working on the edges of high society to further their own aims, and flirting with scandal. Instead, they're in the bowels of a ship, captured by pirates intent on ransoming them back to their family as soon as they find out to which family they should send the letter.
Unfortunately for all involved, Nat knows one thing the pirates can never be allowed to find out:
They are unransomable.
Their family has plenty enough money to pay any ransom, but Nat's father sent them to sea in the first place, put them in the path of these pirates, because he wanted Nat out of the way.
Ransoms create scandal. Nat can't afford another.

Not The Fainting Kind
A Single Letter Should Not Be So Damning
Nobody on the ship knows who Nat was before landing in the cell from which they staged a mutiny. As new captain, Nat wants to keep it that way. But the Pirate Lord of Shenai has come into possession of a simple piece of post that will undo all Nat's careful hiding: an invitation to Nat's sister's wedding with the subtle addition of the word "help" scribbled across it.

Omnibus Edition Coming Soon
A hardback containing both novels and all the short stories coming soon