Merry wants to be a Guardian, there's just a few things standing in her way: her gender, her secret heritage, her penchant for questioning authority.
In Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse a Guardian Colonel comes to Merry for help, offering the bargain of Sponsorship: he'll vouch for her to get a position in the Cadet Programme if she'll just do one little task.
In Merry Arlan: Finding The Heir, that one little task has revealed the thing Merry most wanted to keep secret and now the Elven Queen is calling her all the way back to the Isles and away from her home on Shima.

Merry Arlan: Breaking The Curse
Guardian Cadet Series Part One
Merry wants to be a Guardian, there's just a few things standing in her way: her gender, her secret heritage, her penchant for questioning authority.
When a Guardian Colonel comes to Merry for help, what can she do but agree? She's only risking her entire life.
Merry Arlan: Finding The Heir
Guardian Cadet Series Part Two
When Merry is claimed by the Elven Queen to fill the position of a deceased Lord, her position as Guardian Cadet is jeapordised. Nobody can be both a Guardian and an Elven Lord. Merry must now venture to the Elven Isles to refuse the title, but she can only do so if she finds a replacement.
Oh, and somebody is trying to assassinate the Elven Queen.

Read Chapter One For Free
Plus other short stories in the world of Terya